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Postdoc positions

We are currently not recruiting at the postdoc level.

PhD positions

We are currently not recruiting at the PhD level.

MSc positions

We currently have the following MSc thesis projects open in the team:

Please apply!

  • Interested Chalmers or GU MSc students can contact Rocío about potential master thesis opportunities for the Spring 2025 or Fall 2025 semester(s). There is the potential for both 30 credits or 60 credits MSc thesis projects, and, depending on your MSc program, individual or pair projects.
  • MSc students from universities outside Sweden who are interested in either a short research stint in AIME, or in doing their MSc thesis project with us, are welcome to reach out. Note, however, that the easiest way for you to do a research stay in the group is through the Erasmus program, so please read up on what the guidelines are at your university and keep in mind any relevant deadlines (you typically have to apply many months ahead of when you want to do your research stay).

When contacting Rocío, please email her with a copy of your academic transcript(s), CV(s), and a link to your GitHub profile(s) (if available), along with a short introduction.

Undergraduate positions

Doing research as an undergraduate is not only a fun way to learn about topics which interest you, but can also help you decide if you want to pursue a career in research (e.g., are you considering pursuing a PhD?). Interested Chalmers or GU undergraduates are welcome, and highly encouraged, to reach out to us about potential research opportunities in the group!

Other inquiries

  • If you are interested in joining the group but see no available postings, feel free to contact Rocío with a CV as well as a quick introduction to yourself and your research interests. It is possible that we may apply for funding together (see Research Fellowships).
  • If you would like to apply to a PhD but do not yet have an MSc degree, please see the the list of masters programs available in our department here.

Gothenburg is a wonderful place to live. Here’s a photo of the city at sunset taken from the Skansen Kronan in the summer: Gothenburg from Skansen Kronan in the summer

Last updated: 24-10-03.